
During the period between 2003 and 2006, ICDP trainer, Alla Magidson developed a number of ICDP projects for parents and teachers in Haifa.
Before moving to Israel, Alla used to live in Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine, where she was trained in ICDP. By the time she moved to Israel she had become an experienced ICDP trainer, having trained professionals and parents in several cities around Ukraine.

In Haifa, ICDP was implemented by training school teachers and by working with groups of parents at the education centre that is affiliated to the Mofet Institute, and which runs a kindergarten and a school. Alla also introduced ICDP in the Mofet kindergarten, which she helped to set up. The Mofet institute Home Page – MOFET International – ( is working on improving the quality of education in the country in general. Its mission is to serve as a professional meeting-place and to facilitate a dialogue among colleagues both in teacher education and in other settings in the education system. The ICDP methods were found to contribute towards the improvement of the general atmosphere in the Mofet school, by enhancing the quality of interaction between the teachers, children and their parents.
2020-2021: Having worked uninterruptedly for 12 years at the Mofet kindergarten, Alla continued to make use of her many years of experience with the ICDP programme, by acting as a volunteer consultant advisor for preschool staff and by offering advice to parents from both the preschool and school, who frequently sought her out with many different problems related to children’s upbringing.