
Multiple developments in Yunnan province

Jean Qin, is the legal representative of ICDP China and the information below was taken from her report about their activities during year 2020.

As a result of lockdown when Covid-19 hit China in the first half of 2020, ICDP China thought of new ways  of reaching people. This resulted in creating a podcast to promote ICDP in China: 200 episodes were uploaded and on average there were 200 listeners per episode. By the end of 2020 there were 985 registered followers.

An online promotion and interaction system was established, which will continue after COIVD-19. A digital system for collecting and analyzing statistics was established and uploaded to the website of ICDP China.

Scope of training in 2020: 1415 caregivers (35% males, 65% females) received ICDP training, 116 facilitators were formed and 22,199 children benefitted from the project. All project staff from 5 local partners received ICDP training at caregiver level, and 90% of them continued their training to facilitator level, in order to increase the capacity to implement ICDP. The total number of local project staff is 50 (37 women, 13 men).

Monitoring and evaluation tools for facilitators were based on the international standard. 116 qualified facilitators completed the pre-post evaluation questionnaires and logbooks. In addition, each local partner developed monitoring tools.

Due to COVID-19, senior trainer training was not able to start in 2020 and no new training for trainers took place.

In August 2020, the Annual Conference focused on providing training on two topics: gender equality and advocacy initiatives. All local partners agreed to set rules on including male participants when recruiting caregivers and facilitators. As a result of this, 47 of the 116 qualified facilitators were men (69 women).

The focus on advocacy initiatives discussed at the annual conference encouraged local partners to afterwards present ICDP to their local authorities and apply for support. ICDP China was introduced to the local governments by the local partner as a legal entity in China. Two local education departments adopted ICDP for training parents in 70 primary and middle schools in the Yunnan Province.

At the ICDP China Annual Conference a workshop was conducted about ICDP network building and resource sharing. It offered an opportunity to local partners to share their experiences and lessons learned from ICDP implementation. As the outcome of the workshop, each local partner set a detailed plan of building their network in 2020. At the same conference, ICDP China gave a presentation on the PSEA policy established by the ICDP Foundation. 

Research: A study about ICDP influence on child-raising was conducted in October of 2020. After several meetings with local partners, schools, and the research team, ICDP China agreed that baseline and research studies could be combined. The methods used in the baseline study included questionnaire, interviews, and small focus groups. The collected information included one questionnaire about children’s thoughts on how their parents see them and one questionnaire on caregiver’s conception of child. 137 children aged 9-12, and their main caregivers were randomly selected from two primary schools in Zhaotong. As part of the research process, during 2021 there will be two follow-ups of the children and caregivers to observe and record impact/changes.

Capacity building: Ten ICDP supervision and capacity building sessions for local partners and project personnel took place on the project sites, with the aim of strengthening their understanding of the theoretical foundation of ICDP, and enriching their knowledge about how to run ICDP courses for caregivers.

A game book named ICDP participatory teaching guidelines was developed in 2020, which includes video clips explaining the games. The work on publishing the book will continue in 2021.